

*Approval 2120117 from the Ministry of Agriculture

Composition: 64.7 g/l of triclopyr (butoxyethyl ester) and 58 g/l of 2,4-D (ethyl ester).

Type of emulsifiable concentrate formulation.

Mode of action: The brush remover is absorbed by the leaves. It is transported throughout the plant which leads to the deformation of leaves and stems. This results in a gradual but total drying of the affected plant during the treatment. As the brush remover essentially only has a foliar action, it is necessary to respect the doses of use in order not to cause the leaves to dry out too quickly and at the same time to slow down the good system.


ZEP 2 brush cutter is used to control dicotyledonous species, whether they are: herbaceous, semi-woody, woody. Used in general treatments along roads, paths, access roads, under power lines, etc. Authorized on permanent pastures for the devitalization of brushwood (on foot). Has a very complete field of activity, acts on species that are not controlled by conventional hormonal scrubbers: Ash, Privet, and Hawthorn (or White Thorn). Selective of the grasses established during the treatment, and does not slow down the establishment of new grasses

Re-entry delay:

24 hours. Single localized application between March and June on plants in vegetative growth with sufficiently developed foliage. DEBROUSSAILLANT ZEP 2 is used at the following concentrations considering a treated surface of 20% of 1 hectare:

- Semi-woody species (bramble, thistle, nettle): 1 l/hl.

- Woody species (oak, hornbeam, white thorn, black thorn, ash, broom): 2 l/hl.

In permanent pastures, respect a 30-day period before grazing and mowing. Devitalization of stumps: Localized application. Use a mixture concentration of 20 l/hl considering a treated surface of 2% of 1 hectare. Revive the cut, brush the product on the section and on the bark. In the case of strains with several strands, treat all the strands. To prepare the spray mixture, pour ZEP 2 BRUSH CLEANER into the spray tank half-filled with water. Shake and complete filling.


• Use a lance fitted with nozzles, avoiding the formation of mist. Thoroughly wet all target vegetation. • Operate in calm weather to avoid entrainment on neighboring crops.

• Do not treat above 20°C in the shade. Avoid application on overheated stony ground. Never apply during a dry spell.

• After treatment, thoroughly clean and rinse the sprayer. It is advisable to add a suitable detergent for cleaning, then rinse with water. Good phytosanitary practices: - CAUTION DANGER FOR NEIGHBORING CROPS. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS STRICTLY.

- Avoid the product being carried over to sensitive neighboring crops (vineyards, fruit trees, vegetable and ornamental crops, nurseries, flax, rapeseed, soya, sunflower, tobacco, legumes, plant potatoes, etc... ).

- Do not apply the preparation to the green parts of deciduous trees and non-target plants.

- Wear gloves (nitrile) and protective clothing (category III type 5/6) during all phases of mixing/loading and application.

- For professional use only. - Always keep the product in its original packaging. Store it in a room reserved for this use, cool, dry, well ventilated and lockable, protected from frost and heat. Respect the precautions for use. Read the label carefully before use.


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