This equipment is intended to gauge tanks by the hollow. The height of the vacuum is measured between the level of the liquid and the shell of the tank. For each tank, a table gives the correspondence between this value and the volume of liquid.

  • AU 4G duralumin ruler with brass slider

section 15x25x15

  • 2 divisions in mm.

  • Vertical encryption

  • Indelible engraving, resistant to hydrocarbons

  • Black anodized ASG ruler support

  • EEC Class II approved.

  • Wheelbase of the "T": 60 cm.

  • Bracket section: 15 X 25 X 15 mm

  • "0" UP

  • Height: 1m and 2m section 21.5 x 1.2 mm

Available in different heights: 0.50 m; 0.60m; 1.50m, 2.50m; 3.00m.


A calibration certificate can be issued on request

The calibration of the device will be done by interferometric comparison and established by the LNE (National Metrology and Testing Laboratory – Nimes-France unit)


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