
Vermiculite is a lamellar mineral mined from the ground in different parts of the world.

In contact with the flame, the water molecules contained in the vermiculite flakes expand, causing a considerable increase in their volume and a significant drop in density.

The product obtained has excellent physico-chemical properties allowing it to be used as is. It also has good absorbency (up to 500% of its weight), proven mechanical damping properties and is inert to all known chemicals. However, it is the user's obligation to evaluate and use this product prudently and to comply with the legislation and laws in force.

Vermiculite is recognized as asbestos-free. It is also incombustible, odorless, non-abrasive, non-aggressive


Very significant reduction in dust residues and its impact on packaged products and personnel in contact.

Significant reduction in conditioning times.

Rationalization of the quantities of vermiculite used per box (Use of the exact number of bags according to the desired absorption capacity).

The overall absorption power is optimized by the combination of vermiculite with the plastic film

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