GLASSNET is effective against frost, snow and ice.
Prevents vehicle windscreen washers from freezing and thus cracking and breaking.
Use all year round as a cleaner, very effective against mosquitoes.
Removes dust, soot, mud, salt. n Does not leave streaks or stains.
Cleaning remains effective even in freezing temperatures.
Compatible with all types of windshield washer fluid.
Does not affect rubbers and plastics at use dilution.
Economical, GLASSNET is always used diluted in water.
GLASSNET APPLICATION is always used diluted.
1 V. GLASSNET / 4 V. water / -6°C
1 V. GLASSNET / 3 V. / -12 °C
1 V. GLASSNET / 2 V. / -18 °C
1 V. GLASSNET / 1.5 V. / -22 °C
1 V. GLASSNET / 1 V. / -31 °C
When the temperature is above 4°C, dilute 1 V of GLASSNET with 5 V of water. Do not use it more concentrated because it may leave traces.
Car dealers, carriers, bus depots, garages, vehicle rental companies, DDE.
Exclusively for windshields, to be used diluted. Refer to the precautions for use on the packaging.
Appearance: clear pink liquid.
Odor: slightly ethereal.
pH (1 V + 1 V water): 6 to 8.
Flash point: 12°C. E