Individual eye-wash - Neutral pH


Data sheet


Handy sized bottle, well suited for use in first aid kits and emergency bags. Eyewash pH Neutral 4.9% Phosphate will neutralize acid and base substances and provide effective protection against serious eye injuries. The product features phosphate buffer properties with documented efficacy in chemicals-based eye injuries.

Product details :

  • Bottle with ergonomic eye cup  for effective flow
  • Dust cap and clear instructions
  • User-friendly design allows the bottles to be quickly opened with a single hand
  • No maintenance and cleaning of the bottles required
  • 4.9 % sterile phosphate buffer for neutralizing acid and alcali that come into contact with the eye

Disposable bottles; do not reuse

Can be used as refill for wall-mounted eyewash station

CE marked products with 3,5 year expiry date

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