Hydro-Light Water Pad


The Hydro-Light Water Pad Tester provides effective results with a simple, one-step measurement process. The instrument is designed so that the result is read from the tablet – simply place the tablet in the slide, then place the slide in the machine and read the digital display to determine the content of fuel free water up to 50 ppm. Hydro Light offers increased accuracy and reliability with greatly improved repeatability and reproducibility.


  • No user calibration required
  • Long Life LED Light Source
  • Accuracy +/- 0.5 PPM
  • Digital reading in PPM in 3 seconds
  • Easy to use

Supplied with:

Wall Power Supply, Sliding Pad Holder and High and Low End Standard Shuttle


The Hydro-Light sensor should be calibrated annually by the factory. The instrument has no internal electrical settings that must be maintained during this time.

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